For Children 3 Years to Kindergarten Age
Our older toddler, preschool and kindergarten rooms help guide and facilitate your adventure-seeker. Our educators will ensure their questions are answered, inquisitiveness is encouraged, bodies are kept moving, brains are kept stimulated, and confidence reaches new heights. Children at this age are eager to discover and understand the world around them. They crave independence and thrive when given small responsibilities and the ability to make their own choices. Our staff act more as facilitators in the learning process, allowing the children to problem solve and through trial and error, come to their own conclusions and solutions.
Fees per Month:
Full-Time Preschool (100+ Hours) $990 less $626 Affordability Grant = $364
Daily Rate $85/day (Days can change from week to week)
Both of our preschool fee structures include two well-balanced snacks during the day and a hot lunch cooked on-site by our full-time cook.
Fees per Month:
Part-Time Kindergarten (50-99 Hours) $870 less $225 Affordability Grant = $645
Full-Time Kindergarten (100+ Hours) $870 less $626 Affordability Grant = $244
Daily Rate $85/day (Days can change from week to week)
Our Full-Time Kindergarten fee includes a nutritious afternoon snack when children return from their school days, as well as P.D. day coverage and all school breaks (Fall, Christmas and Spring). When the kindergarten children are not in school, they are fed two snacks and a hot lunch at no extra charge.
Mr. Cake's Daycare does not provide private bussing but our big parking lot allows the school bus to come directly on-site, allowing children to wait inside and not have to walk off-site. Children are always supervised by a staff member to ensure they get on and off of the bus safely.

Supporting Language and Literacy
In order to expand and support children’s verbal skills, we offer a variety of activities such as guided reading and group story time, memorizing songs to perform in front of others, introducing abstract concepts such as time or estimating, monthly on-site library visits, additional sign language words, encouraging name spelling and simple words or sentences, introducing basic cooking and measuring skills all which help them to be successful leaders.
Moving our Bodies
With monthly yoga, dance and music classes held on-site, a large outdoor play space, cooperative games, indoor gym equipment and balancing equipment all allow your child to proudly display and hone their physical skills while ensuring they develop physical literacy to be lifelong activity seekers.
Sensory Experiences
In order to continue building those important nerve connections in the brain, the children have a wide variety of sensory play activities to choose from. Our educators will plan for sensory tables filled with a variety of different and rotating materials, painting to music, gardening outside, and simple science experiments just to name a few. Sensory play supports language development, cognitive growth, fine and gross motor skills, problem-solving skills, and social interaction among older children.